Meet Our Pastor


CP Tim: How long have you been a minister?
Apostle Shae: I have been in ministry for 13 years. Start ministering in 1996 on Venice Beach in California every weekend through speaking and poetry.
CP Tim: Why is this your chosen field of labor?Apostle Shae: I did not choose this I was called. I grew up going to churches where women and children were seen and not heard, except for Sunday school. I also was raised by a father that used God to abuse us. When God called me it took 2 years for me to actually respond with “yes Lord”. My answers were always “you must be talking about someone else”.

CP Tim: Why is this type of church so important to you?Apostle Shae: I have found that the traditional churches, although productive in it’s season, it lacks the ability to freely move. Christ was innovative and today’s church needs to follow that pattern in order to be effective with the hurting people of today. 100 years ago the church was effective for that day. It needs to refine itself for a hundred years of change. That is why the world has been so effective in pleasing the pallet of the world. It has been progressive. The church needs to be progressive. Not of the world but effective and progressive in it.

CP Tim: What are the goals you have for Remnant Outreach Ministries/NGWCI?

Apostle Shae: Our main goal is to seek out the needs of the people and bring the church back to the community. It is all about serving the hurting how God sees fit. The Bible says to “go ye therefore into all the earth” not to just hold church and wait for them to come. The harvest is ripe and we at ROM/TNG are eager to go out and reap the harvest.
CP Tim: What is your vision for ROM/NGWCI?

Apostle Shae: The vision is to go International through missions, media and speaking. Worldwide ministry as well as several worship centers around the world. To reach as many with the message God has given us for the hurting.
CP Tim: Please take this time to share anything you would about yourself, or anything else you want to add…

Apostle Shae: At Remnant Outreach Ministries, Inc/ The Next Generation Worship Center we’re not about “having it all together”, pretending we do or expecting it from others. We believe in the scripture, Isaiah 55:1, come as you are and in whatever your circumstance or walk of life. We proclaim the message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. We’re just a family trying to grow together towards God by offering the tools you need for God to get you where you are seeking to be. Our focus is on those who are seeking a “new beginning,” and those who want to become more “Christ like”, seeking a true relationship with God not just a religion of rituals and to be a part of the “Blood Bought” family in Christ. We believe the need for Christian faith helps to maintain the worship of God. It is our mission to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We have committed our lives to Christ and are in covenant with each other to demonstrate His Spirit through worship, witnessing, and ministry to the needs of the people of this church and the community here and abroad.


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