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Employment Resources
Employment Assistance Centers One-Stop Service Center One-Stop Centers provide free services including; job placement, skills assessments, job training, career counseling, resume development and more to job seekers. Arizona Department of Economic Security 120 W. 1st Ave. Mesa, AZ 85210 Phone: (602) 771-6900 Phoenix Workforce Connection Hope VI Community Training & Education 1150 S. 7th Ave […]
A New Leaf East Valley Men’s Center
A New Leaf’s EVMC 94-bedshelter (76 shelter plus 18 transitional) provides comprehensive programs and strategies for each resident. Many of the men face challenges because of past substance abuse, criminal involvement, life changing events or simply a long life on the streets. Residents are prescreened before enrollment and asked to be candid about the problems […]
General Resources
Emergency Contact and Service Information Homeless Shelter Services If you are a homeless man in need of shelter, contact EVMC Men’s Shelter. (480) 610-6722 If you are a homeless family in need of shelter. (602) 263-8900 1 (800) 799-7739 Domestic Violence Shelter Services If you are a domestic violence victim (with or without children). […]

Child Crisis Arizona
Child Crisis Center-East Valley Inc- Strong Families, Safe Kids: We envision a time where every child lives in a safe environment and has the opportunities to grow and create a successful future. Location: 604 W 9th St Mesa, AZ 85201 Telephone:(480) 969-2308 Website: childcrisis.org
Broadway Christian Church
Broadway Christian Church (480) 807-1668 7335 E Broadway Rd Mesa, AZ 85208 Family Aid to help with Rent, Utilities and Medication Mon, Tue and Wed from 9am to 12pm Hope House (480) 832-0221 Free Clothes for children and Adults

Social Security Administration Mesa Office
Social Security Administration Mesa Office 702 W Jerome Ave Mesa, AZ 85210 Phone number (800) 772-1213 Website ssa.gov
Changes Sober Living
Location: 1344 S Mesa Dr. Mesa, AZ 85210 Contact:Jim Nash, General Manager House Phone: (480) 275-5922 Fax: (480) 890-3097 No $$$ to get in. It does cost $115 per week, but you can work it off with work supplied by the facility. Very Clean! 90-Day Commitment! 4 Outside meeting per week. We Work with Parole […]
Mesa Family Advocacy Center
Mesa Family Advocacy Center Community Action Arm of the Mesa Police Department Counseling and Other Services (480) 644-4075 Did you Know…. There are provisions in the law that allow a Domestic Violence victim to legally break their lease if they are in danger and need to move right away. Did you Know…. A victim of […]
Salvation Army
Salvation Army (480) 833-8322 Food Box Help With Utility Pet Food for the Homeless ASU Health Screenings Vision Exams Clothing Vouchers (Scottsdale) U of A Nutrition Classes
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (480) 654-4539 www.lss-sw.org
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